Friday Showdown: Spring Rag Wreath

FRIDAY SHOWDOWN will be making regular appearances here at The Backyard Boutique, on, you guessed it, Fridays! I'll give a quick tutorial on a craft I've been wanting to try or an old favorite that has served me well.  This weeks' item: rag wreath.  I've been wanting to make one of these since Christmas... then Valentines Day, then Saint Patrick's Day... and now here we are; SPRING TIME!  So I finally decided "it's time" on my way home from work on Tuesday.  Here's how it went...

Equal parts a "trained monkey could do this E-A-S-Y" and "I want to stab my eyeballs out annoying".  You can find a million and one online tutorials for making a rag wreath.  I'll simplfy all that for you:

Step One: Cut about a million strips of fabric (about 1/2" to 3/4" wide and about twice the circumference of whatever you are tying the strips to).  I used a straw wreath base I picked up for 2 bucks.  I left the plastic wrap on over the straw because it was easier to work with. 

 Step Two: Tie strips in knots onto whatever you're using.

Step Three: Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. And then do it again.

I used about seven 18" x 21" pieces of fabric to make my wreath which has a 10" diameter.  I "cheated" and just purchased small scraps at a local fabric store on impulse because I decided the glittery shamrock hanging on my front door had to go.  The price tag is under $15 for materials and I know it could be cheaper if I spent some time bargain hunting and gathering fabric scraps over the course of a few weeks. Here it is:

my front door is now appropriately adorned.  
Easy peasy, folks.  Give it a whirl!

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